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Gasomnil Syrup 200ML

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₹199 100% Off ₹199

Get rid of acidity and gastric issues easily with Rudraa forever Gasomnill syrup. It’s a herbal syrup that naturally provides relief from gas problems and indigestion.

  • Category: Syrups
  • B̵rand: Rudraa Forever
  • Variant: 200ML

Are you suffering from gastric problems? Does your stomach start growling due to the formation of gas? Most of the people are troubled by the problem of stomach gas formation. The reason behind this is poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Many people take the problem of gas or acidity lightly. Gas problems can cause serious problems like piles, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea vomiting, or nausea.

Gas in your digestive system is part of the normal process of digestion. Burping or farting are common ways to get rid of excess gas from the stomach. Sometimes excessive gas formation can cause pain. It is believed that sometimes when the gas is not able to pass, it also gets into the brain, which is painful.

Now it’s easy to get rid of this gas problem with Rudraa Gasomnill syrup. The gastric syrup is crafted with various herbs that provide fast relief from acidity. It improves digestion, boosts metabolism and is also beneficial in providing relief from constipation.

The main ingredients of Rudraa Gasomnill Syrup are Shatavari, Yasthimadhu, Kapoor, Kachri, Amla, Brahmi, Sankh Bhasma & Kapardak Bhasma.

DosageTake one to two tablespoons of Gasomnill syrup in the morning and in the evening. For better results consume it daily or as directed by the physician.

Children below 6 years of age should have adult supervision

IngredientsSatavari, Yasthimadhu, Kapoor Kachri, Amla, Brahmi, Shankh Bhasma, Sukti Bhasma, Kapardak Bhasma.


100 Items


10.00 cm


12.00 cm


15.00 cm


350.00 kg

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